I'm not sure if anyone even clicks on this web page or not but I though I would blog today!
Going on three months now Kevin has been working on a rig. This means he works two weeks away from home with 20 minutes to talk each night and then home for 1 week. Then it starts all over again. It has been a big change for all of us. I think we have all grown from this experience. The boys have done incredibly well. They have their break downs at times and those are the worst of times. Being the only parent for two weeks has its good and bad moments. It gets really tough when I am overly tired with to much to do and two overly entergetic boys. I try to keep up with house work and school but there is just no way it can happen.
The day Kevin comes home is so exciting! We all can't wait to jump in his arms and tell him how much we misse him and how much we love him. We probably overwhelm him by all talking at once, but we are just so excited to see him that we can't help it!
Before Kevin was hired on at the rig I would pray every night that he would help us through the rough times and help Kevin to find a job. However I never thought it would take him away from us most of the time. What a great sense of humor God has:) Gods plan is not always ours. When I found out that Kevin might have the job I literally was frozen inside, paniced, heart broken, worried, and lost. Nights of crying didn't help either. I finally decided that praying was all that I could do to easy all of that. And it's amazing how I have some how made it through 3 months and we are all in one piece mentally and physically.
Through this I think God has shown me that even during the tough times he has stood by our side.
If you are not a person who prays I suggest you start. You will never be the same.