Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Crabtree Family has been very busy! I hope to make it through this week without a doctor visit of some sort. We have had a little bit of everything, bronchitis, sinus infections, strep, pink eye, ear infection.... I am having problems with my back or my left side and no I have not been to the doctor I am too busy taking care of everyone else but I have made a promise to Kevin that if it is still bothering me by Monday that I will make a Doctors appointment.
The other thing we have been busy with is my brothers wedding! Yes, they are finally married. Hip Hip Hooray! Through the ups and downs of plans it turned out beautiful. I still can't get over the fact that my brother is old enough to get married. Celinda is now my Sister in law and I love her to death. Actually getting to the wedding date nearly drove us all insane but we all survived and hopefully no ones feelings were to hurt.

Presenting to you Clint and Celinda Bush

This is my mom and dad with the bride and Groom!

This is my handsome big boy, Hunter!

And here I am with the love of my life

And here I am with my brother and the bridesmaid.


Jennie said...

Congratulations to all of you. I know it was journey to get that wedding date.

danalafargue said...

Congratulations to your brother and new sister-in-law. I am very happy for them :-) And Hunter looks very handsome :-)